Date : 12 January 2015
Time : 2-3pm
Subject :Relocating your business to Iskandar Malaysia: What you need to know? Taxes and Incentives?
Specialised consultants in business consultancy will be on site to share what you need to know for relocating your business to Iskandar Malaysia and what are the taxes and incentives available. There will be a Q&A to answer any queries participants may have.
This session is extremely useful to equip you with knowledge which your clients might ask if they are investing in Iskandar.
Date : 12 January 2015
Time : 3 – 5pm
Subject :How to Explain C&H Option to Your Clients
Speaker: Mr Harry Sim
Harry Sim will show how you (as Agent) can explain the key Clauses in C&H Option.
Harry is a veteran Senior Property Lawyer .He has been in Legal Practice for 24 years.He has handled thousands of SALE and PURCHASE transactions, and he will share from his long experience