Our Regular Monday Afternoon Session – 29 June 2015

Date: 29 June 2015C&H Events CPD courses
Time: 2 – 3pm
Subject: Making Classified work for you
Speaker: Angie Choong, Adrian Tan, Carmen Wong

Date: 29 June 2015
Time: 3 – 5pm
Subject: Where is the market heading in 2H 2015
Speaker: Sam Gian

[1] Are the Quantitative Easing (QE) measures by Euro, Japan and now China BIG enough to cause another bull run in Singapore?
Learning from the last few rounds of QE

[2] What properties will the Chinese buyers buy in Singapore?
Analysis from their past investment pattern

[3] The US Interest Rate Hike Story – Where does Singapore Stand?
Tracking the US real estate cycle

[4] Impact of higher mortgage rates in the months to come
How high will SIBOR go?

[5] How does the higher SIBOR affect MSR?
Show the working of mortgage calculation to assess impact


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