Date : 28 April 2014
Time : 2.00-4.00 pm
Subject : Precision Timing of the Property Market by Ronald K
Synopsis : Frustrated at buying and chasing the physical property at high prices? Or disappointed at buying a property by following the big mass and realizing that you got stucked at high prices with heavy burden of loans from the bank. If you are feeling that way then come and listen to Ronald K as he shares on how to time your entry closely at the bottom with trade records and reasons of not following the mass into entering property when it’s hot.
In September 2009, when the financial and property market crashed, Ron had went to purchased his first property by analyzing the charts of Capitaland and use this one powerful chart to time his entry effectively where he made his purchase of the physical property right at the bottom! Prior to that, he first bought the property stock which yielded him some money so that he could pay for the deposit of his property.
In this upcoming seminar, he will share how to time the property cycle effectively so that not only you can advise potential clients on rock bottom property prices, but make money on the property stock first. The common mistakes retail investors are making, the psychological barrier that one needs to break through in order to make purchases effectively and many more techniques that you can learn through this sharing session.